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Beishir Lock & Security Blog

Increase the value in your vacation rental property

As we enter into vacation planning season, we invite you to learn how you can increase the value of your vacation rental property with these key gadgets and upgrades.

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A video doorbell is a great addition to a vacation rental home. In addition to notifying you when guests come and go, you can use a video doorbell to verify the number of guests in your rental. You can also link your video doorbell to you smart speaker and have it turn your lights on or off as your guests arrive and depart, saving you money and creating a comfortable welcome for them. With a video doorbell, you can also personally greet your guests and give them a warm welcome. Be sure to let the guests know in advance that there is a video doorbell installed to avoid any frights and surprises!


A recent study found that 55% of millennial renters said they would be willing to pay more for a rental unit with high-tech door locks. Keyless entry to your property by way of a smart lock is one of the most convenient and easiest upgrades you can add to your vacation rental. A keyless entry system is a much safer option for short-term rental properties and over 70% of people surveyed say they prefer having a smart lock in their vacation rental than traditional lock keys, in fear of losing them. Keyless entry also offers a more hygienic option for entry as keypads can be cleaned and disinfected between renters to keep them safer for your vacationers.

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It could be a condo at the Lake, a sandy floored house on the beach, a hunting cabin in the woods, or maybe just an apartment in the city. A wall safe gives your tenants a safe place to stash their cash, passports, jewelry, paperwork, firearms, or whatever they consider valuable. Contact us to find out how to put a discreet wall safe in and elevate your vacation rental to the next level for your guests peace of mind. If it is a hunting cabin in the woods, maybe consider a gun safe?

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Keeping a vacation home safe from theft and natural disasters can be difficult for homeowners, especially with how far they usually are from first homes. As a homeowner, you may be asking how can I make sure that my property is safe from so far away, or how can I save money on energy when I’m not there? A home alarm system for your vacation home can be an easy and cost-effective way to secure your property for the long stretches of time when it’s uninhabited. We also recommend adding smoke and CO detection devices to your alarm, as fire and CO pose such a threat to a home’s safety and security. This threat only multiplies when dealing with a home that is only occupied during a portion of the year.

Contact us anytime to learn more about how we can help you add security to and increase the value in your vacation rental property.

Tammy Kenniston