How Can I Avoid Germs In Public Spaces?
Did you know……. Gas-pumps have 11,000 times more bacteria than the common household toilet seat. Studies dating all the way back to 2011 show that the number of bacteria present on an elevator button is almost 40 times higher than on a public toilet seat. Not to be left out, a study in 2019 showed that ATMs were dirtier than the handles on the public bathrooms in Penn Station, some even dirtier than a pole on the subway, or a New York City parking meter. Makes you think twice about touching it, doesn’t it?
I can’t count the number of times we’ve been told to avoid touching these high-touch areas, like an elevator button, ATM keypad or a touch screens in the last couple of months, but, the reality is that it’s a natural part of our everyday lives.
When the pandemic hit and we found ourselves trying to find a way to keep doing what we’ve always set out to do, ensure the safety of our customers and provide them with some security and peace of mind. We started looking for a solution that would help. We found one! The Clean Key from KeySmart is a no-touch way to use public doors, checkouts, and shared buttons while keeping your hands clean. This tool allows you to stop touching dirty surfaces. You can open doors, use touchscreens and press buttons without any direct contact. You can even use it to sign your name digitally, instead of your finger. This works on levers, pulls, and sliding door handles, ensuring that you aren’t coming into contact with the bacteria and germs deposited there.
We are proud to offer product from a company that issued the following statement: “In the time of global crisis, we feel it is our duty to join the fight against COVID-19. Part of that response includes adapting to the needs of our customers and providing products that offer protection and convenience in these uncertain times.”
Stop by and pick up yours today. Protect yourself and others from the germs on high-touch surfaces.