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Beishir Lock & Security Blog

Germs in the Workplace

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The top seven spots for germs at work may be surprising to you, or maybe not. When you stop to think about your hands, like…..really think about them for a minute, and how many different things they touch throughout the day, it’s no wonder that germs are spreading so quickly through the workplace.

Have you ever noticed that one person gets sick and the whole office gets sick? There is a definite domino-like affect when it comes to illnesses in the workplace and with the current fears associated with Covid-19, we are all taking steps to eliminate as much of them as possible.

The # 7 spot is the copy machine, leave some disinfecting wipes nearby to help with piece of mind.

#6 is the water cooler. Many businesses have done away with this service, but if you are still using one, make sure that you hit it with some sanitizer frequently. Think about it, you touch this and then bring it directly to your face. Yikes!

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#5 is the fridge door handle. When employees arrive at work, they put their lunches in the fridge right away, right? Now if you think about it, that means that the germs they are leaving on the fridge door handle are germs that they brought with them from home, or wherever they were before they walked in.

The #4 spot is the microwave, this is similar to the fridge, in that it is used in direct relation to the food that you are preparing to consume.

#3 is the coffee maker, because, seriously, who isn’t touching this?

#2 is Keyboards…. Did you know that the level of bacteria on keyboards is 400 times higher than on public toilet seats……. it’s a good idea to hit those keyboards with some disinfectant, and wash your hands!

And not surprisingly the #1 location for germs in the workplace is:

Doorknobs and Handles .
Every single person that enters your place of business, is touching these handles. Remember that contamination happens when bacteria is transferred from one person to a surface, and then on to another person so that makes everyone that touches the handles susceptible to the germs of each employee, and customer alike.

Obviously good hand washing, conscious effort to not touch your face, staying home when ill, keeping social distance, and frequent cleaning and disinfecting measures help with the spread of these germs, but what else can you be doing to protect yourself, your employees, and your clients/customers?

Try reducing your touch points at work. Leave inside doors open if possible, or think about touchless door openers and button pushers, or look into arm or foot pulls for inward opening doors. (We can, of course, help you with these needs!) Think about switching to motion activated or smart switches. Alexa is your friend! OR talk to us today about our options for automatic door openers. We can help keep you healthy by going fully touchless.

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Tammy Kenniston