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Beishir Lock & Security Blog

Why Does Access Control Make Sense For Your Business?

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If you lose your keys, its quite a hassle to get new ones, plus you have all the worry of someone finding them and using them, right? This can lead to great expense of re-keying several different locks, depending on how many keys you carry. Access Control systems are a great solution for many business owners because when a key card or fob is lost, it can easily be deactivated so that it won’t work if an unauthorized person finds it and tries to use it. This saves business owners worry and expense when employees are terminated or quit, or when key cards are lost.

Traditional access control systems are a thing of the past, we now have cloud-based access control. This makes the system scaleable - allowing it to be a more affordable option for many businesses, small and large.

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Cloud based Access Control systems with Mobile Management also allow you to manage your system from anywhere and let your employees open doors with their smartphones. No more keys. No more cards. No more lost credentials! As the administrator, you can track employees access throughout your business, as well as allow and disallow access to certain areas. Terminations? Just simply turn off the person's's that easy!

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A proximity card (also known as prox card) is a card that works with door access control systems to wirelessly unlock the door, replacing a traditional key and lock. The card can often be left in a wallet or purse, and read by simply holding the wallet or purse near the reader.

Many systems also allow you to control your business access system directly from your mobile device. These systems with mobile access make life easier while on the go!

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Even if you require an access code or card for someone to enter your building that is not a safe plan for exiting the building. Push button and wave devices keep your exits secure by preventing people from entering from the outside while allowing people to unlock the door and exit without the needing a fob or code, keeping your building safe in case of emergency at the same and also secure.

Access control systems also let you allow members of your management team or others that your specify, access to your facility during or after-hours. If there are areas of your facility that you do not want members of your staff to access or specific times that you do not want people to be allowed to enter your building, you can control that within your system. Administrators can grant access to offices and other secured areas of the property, like inventory storage or high-security areas, or specify times of access or hours of availability to areas.

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When we think about access control, we think mostly about letting people in and keeping people out, but tracking entries and exits, also makes it possible to reduce heating or cooling costs when areas become unoccupied. Saving your business money is a great added benefit of an access control system.

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The easiest crime to solve is the one that doesn’t happen, so it’s essential to set up access control that starts with this goal in mind. A proper access control system can help in the case of an incident at your business. Lets work with a typical office scenario: supplies or equipment are going missing. How do you figure out who is guilty?
One of the best tools you can use is your access control logs. These records will do the detective work for you and can ultimately help you find out “who done it”. Even a basic setup can, at minimum, show you who entered the area where items went missing or were tampered with. A slightly more advanced system will also allow you to figure out the amount of time that a person was in a room and can tell if someone is opening doors at night to let someone in or if they are leaving the premises when they shouldn’t be. This can help you internally solve a problem within your company with problem employees.

Combine your access control system with some surveillance cameras and video footage and your searchable and stored data reports that are admissible in court, can aid police in a post-incident investigation. These logs can help put criminals in jail where they belong.

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One of the most vital aspects of your access control system is it's ability to activate lockdown from anywhere with a single click of a button. Keeping your employees safe and secure as well as your guests, visitors, or customers.

As always, keeping your people and property secure and protected is our primary goal. We have several different access control platforms to chose from and not one solution is the “right” one for all. We encourage you to contact us to talk about the options and find the right solution for your business.

Tammy Kenniston