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Why Do I Need Video Surveillance Cameras?

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Clearly, security cameras are effective against crime, but they serve more purposes than just crime prevention. Learn how to lower loss, improve compliance and customer service with a surveillance system with video-supported insights. Surveillance cameras allow you to see what is happening inside of your business with your employees, as well as your customers.

According to a recent retail study, many small businesses lose close to $50,000 in a year to theft and vandalism and there are more than 275 million reports of thefts in businesses worldwide

Surveillance camera footage is exceptionally important if a crime is committed either within your office premises or around it. Not only is the footage valuable to spot and find out the perpetrator of the crime, but can also be used in court as evidence. Often times, jurors or judges make entire decisions based on surveillance camera footage and convict based on what they see. Having these cameras on your property is not just good for your business, and your employees….. it’s good for your community.

A modern video surveillance system with customized analytics allows you to respond to and resolve incidents and prevent crimes like vandalism and break-ins. You can monitor traffic patterns in places like building gates, front offices or resident common areas, keep an eye on vulnerable areas, and receive alerts when someone enters an off-limit area or when cameras are being blocked, covered or moved. Stay ahead of potential problems with notifications and the state of the art analytics.

In emergency situations, every minute counts, and it’s critical for law enforcement and other first responders to react immediately. With the proper surveillance infrastructure in place, first responders who can receive immediate real-time access to security cameras, providing clear, advanced insight into emergency situations.

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Properly placed surveillance cameras can allow you to keep an eye on every part of your business from your location, no matter where you are! This comes in so handy. The receptionist can even determine where to transfer a call that comes in when someone is away from their desk. Having an eye on your facilities allows you peace of mind It has been proven that employees tend to work the hardest when be monitored. Electronic surveillance of employees ensures managers get more time to work on their own jobs instead of focusing their entire attention on monitoring people.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is an ongoing issue. surveillance cameras can not only serve as a strict deterrent and provide your employees a safer place to work, but also ensure you are protected from false allegations, or legal actions in the case of true allegations.

Flexible camera-to-cloud recording solutions give you real-time views of your facility and simplify incident investigations by linking access control events with video. These solutions ensure your video is securely stored in the cloud for remote access and to prevent loss.

In addition, a surveillance system gives you a better overall view of how the workflow goes. It may help you identify where something can be improved and a process can be completed more efficiently.

Occasionally, when you have cameras in place, you catch pure gold! We recently had one of those amazing moments caught on video! We caught a flying raccoon giving our GM and our Retail Store Manager a heart checkup at the end of the day! This particular video turned into a MEME goldmine for some spare time activities and a great deal of entertainment for the rest of our team! Thankfully, both Mark and James were good sports about it!

If you don’t have surveillance in you business contact us to find out how to get it now!

Tammy Kenniston