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Is It Time for a Camera Upgrade?

Security cameras have come a long way in recent years. In terms of how they can protect your home and business, and the technological upgrades that did not seem possible in previous years, there are many advances that you may be missing out on if you are still using antiquated surveillance cameras. If you can afford it, refreshing your security system regularly is a good idea. This ensures that you get to maintain a high level of security and the highest level of protection. 

Old security cameras don't have the features available on newer models, such as PoE technology, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ), and infrared night vision. Most of these cameras run on analog signals and coaxial cables, which can be susceptible to interference and are not as reliable as digital signals. It is easier than ever to keep up with the trends as technology continues to improve quickly. We are not just talking about the camera itself, but your whole CCTV system. If this is obsolete, you are essentially jeopardizing your family or company. So look at security systems as an investment that is a must-have for your peace of mind.

One of the biggest drawbacks of using old surveillance cameras is that the image quality is often not as good as newer high-end security cameras. This is because the technology used in these cameras is outdated and can't compare to the high-definition images produced by newer cameras. In addition, analog signals are more likely to be distorted than digital signals, which can lead to a lower quality video stream.

If you're using an old security camera, you may notice that the image is blurry, and the colors are not as vibrant as they would be on a newer model. Additionally, the image may be choppy and pixelated, making it difficult to identify people or objects in the footage. Low video quality can also make it difficult to identify suspects or track down criminals. 

Old security cameras are typically not well weatherproofed, which means they can be susceptible to water damage if they're exposed to rain or snow. If the camera is outside and spends it’s life in the rain and snow, the water will eventually seep into the camera and cause it to malfunction. The weatherproof housing on older security cameras is not as good as what has been developed on newer models.

Sometimes, repairs are even more expensive than replacement because of the parts on old cameras are not available on the market or are hard to find. You need to factor this in when deciding either to repair or replace your cameras.

Replacing your security system every five years is a good practice. It ensures that the components are up to speed with the latest technology. Remember, these upgrades are not just about cosmetic improvements. Newer models also mean better capabilities, resulting in a more secure home or business. Remember also that you can replace one piece at a time, in alternating years to off-set the costs and make this a more attainable goal.

When it comes to upgrading your security cameras, you don't want to take any chances. You need a reliable company that can provide you with the best solutions for your needs. Contact Us to discuss the high-quality security camera systems we offer that are perfect for any application. We understand the importance of keeping your property and loved ones protected, and our systems are designed to do that.

Our cameras and video recorders can be mixed and matched to create the perfect custom surveillance system for your needs. Whether you're looking to upgrade an old security camera system or starting from scratch, we have the perfect solution for your space.

Tammy Kenniston