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Beishir Lock & Security Blog

How Do Key Fobs Work?

If you’ve ever tried to unlock the car while wrestling groceries or unruly toddlers into the backseat, you have an appreciation for doors that you don’t have to insert into your car door to unlock. Key fobs offer an undeniable convenience to us all! Our team has the right tools and experience to program your key fob and address any issues that you may be experiencing with it, but we also find that many people do not understand how they work. Read on to learn the basics of how key fobs are programmed, and how to work to make our lives easier and bring convenience to our lives every day.

A fob key is a remote keyless entry system available on most modern cars, in addition to being able to help you locate your car in a busy parking lot, (How many times have you seen someone walking through the parking lot of a concert venue pushing a button and watching for the flashing lights and listening for the beep-beep-beep of their car?) it also helps reduce the risk of your car being stolen. A key fob also increases the security of your key by having a dedicated, secure, transmission code that it sends directly to your car. There are possible 1 trillion codes that can be programmed in your key fob, thanks to the controller chip, so your code will be uniquely yours, enhancing your security.

Why Is My Fob Not Working?

This usually happens because of low batteries, but a shock to your fob system can also cause the it to lose its pairing. Most remotes can be reset, so check your car's user manual for the resetting sequence. If resetting fails to solve the problem, the fob will need to be reprogrammed by a professional. Our professionals at Beishir Lock and Security have been trained to help. Contact us if we can help with your lock and security needs.

Tammy Kenniston