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Beishir Lock & Security Blog

How Do I Find the Right Locksmith?

It's happened to all of us at one time or another. We've accidentally locked our keys in the car or been locked out of our house and can't get inside. In times like these, it's essential to have a number for a reliable locksmith to call. This blog will share tips on how to help you find the best locksmith in St. Louis so you won’t need to worry if you find yourself locked out.


When you're looking for a locksmith, the first thing you should do is ask your friends and family for recommendations. Chances are, someone you know has had to call on a locksmith before, so they'll be able to give you the name of a good one in your area. You can also look for online reviews of local locksmiths to learn who is reputable and who you should avoid.


Not all locksmiths offer the same services, so you will want to make sure you start with asking about what you're looking for before making a decision. Some locksmiths may only be able to help you if you're locked out of your house, while others may also be able to change the locks on your doors or make copies of your keys. Some may be able to do this on-the-go with mobile locksmithing vans while others will require you to go to them in their locations. These are all important questions to ask so you can find a locksmith who can meet all of your needs. Beishir Lock & Security is here for you whether you need a residential, commercial, or Auto locksmith, On-the-Go on in the Shop!


A professional locksmith will have certifications in place to guarantee their knowledge and expertise. By asking about them, you can ensure your potential locksmith has the training and experience necessary to do a good job. Our locksmiths at Beishir undergo training and recertifications each year to maintain their licenses and to stay up-to-date with the changing rules and regulations of the trade. We are proud of our team and the hard work they put in to stay at the top of their trade.


When you call a locksmith, they should be able to give you a general estimate of how much their services will cost. Be sure to ask about any additional fees that may not be included in the estimate, so there are no surprises after the service is complete. When locked out of your car or house, the last thing you want is to break the bank trying to break back in!


In an emergency, you'll want to know that the locksmith you're calling can come help you out quickly. Ask about their availability and find out how long it will take before they can get to you. If they can't give you an exact time frame, ask them for a general window so you’ll know when to expect them. Beishir Lock & Security offers 24 hour service and always try to service our customers in a timely manner.


Before hiring any professional to work on your home or car, you should always confirm whether they're bonded and insured. This protects you in case of damage to your property during the service. Ask to see proof of their insurance, and ensure it's up to date so you know you'll be covered during an accident. At Beishir Lock & Security, we’ve been providing quality service for over 50 years. All of our technicians are bonded and insured for your peace of mind and we are always happy to show the proof., after all….. we do live in the Show-Me State!

As always, if we can offer you service of any kind, we welcome you to call (3140 842-4500 or email us with your questions.

Tammy Kenniston